A Collaboration Of Health Professionals

Helping Us

Better Understand And Manage Anxiety


Welcome to The Anxiety Project! Our goal is to connect you to resources in our community. Take the Anxiety Test to determine the best program for you.


Programs for the family.

Dealing with teenagers can be hard. Connect to resources to help your teens as well as the whole family.

You've Got This!

Dealing with anxiety starts with understanding yourself. Connect to resources to help you navigate life and feel better.


Physical Health is important to having strong mental health.

We can help you with developing better fitness habits.

Coming Soon!

Anxiety Coaching

Medical Board

Understanding the underlying issues that have caused your recent panic attack is important to prevent a Panic Disorder.

Jason Ediger PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Mental health is important to all aspects of medicine. Chest pain and pressure can be a symptom of a Panic Attack.

Robert Vogt MD

Eagles Peak Concierge Medicine

Issues with sleep affect our body's overall health and can contribute with headache pain, but can also increase anxiety and even panic.

Jim Yohanan MD

Medical Director The Headache Center© 2022 . Privacy Policy